Wednesday, 31 March 2010

three blind mice

Ahh just one month tomorrow till I FINALLY get tattooed again. I can't believe November was the last time, I've got an unbearable itch right now. My brain is literally working over time conjuring up new ideas. I'm definately plotting a 'three blind mice' tattoo. I'm not even going to start explaining where all my bizzare ideas come from. Although the one I'm getting by the lovely Sarah Schor next month is a squirrel. Eurasian squirrel infact filling the oddly shaped space at the back of my arm.

Anyway, on Monday it's my birthday. Easter Monday. I have no idea what to do, although drinking is definately off the cards. I'm not one to celebrate my own birthday but I definately want to soak up the opportunity to hang out with friends and family. I think so far the plan is to have a meal with some selected friends at AGP's house. Vegan roasts and hopefully a Totoro cake will be on the cards. (Maybe I'll actually get some photos to blog about), I also got my 'Vegan cupcakes take over the world' book in the mail a few days ago so those are going to be tested out. Too excited.

Anyway, for now I'm going to list some of the things I'll hopefully be able to afford next month from birthday money.

This is the Deluxe Kit but I'd gladly own any type of Diana +F cam. AHH the mini one is so cute too.

A Chris Conn Askew print. Naturally. If you've never heard of him, firstly, shame on you, and secondly hurry and see at

My plane tickets to America incase CCUSA application was recieved to late. (looking likely, but I'm going none-the-less)

in desperate need of new Polaroid film! PLEASE Ilford buy the rights and start making it again!!!

And pretty much anything from the Spitfire Girl website.

A girl can wish.


  1. happy birthday for monday!

    and congrats, I love Sarah Schor! I wanted work done by here but I just saw on her blog that shes moving to New York soon! Bummer! lets hope she comes and does UK guest spots! x

  2. thankyou sweetie!

    I know, but Adorned is such an amazing shop. I was so stunned when I went there in August. It's beautiful and they sell some amazing jewellery there! But I'm so excited to get something done by her! My tattoo itch is getting seriously bad xxxx
