Monday, 12 July 2010

of pears and figs

My friend Myles has a solo project that he'll soon be releasing an EP for. We got chatting about t-shirt designs and stuff and I had a couple of hours free before heading out so I drew this for him.

Turns out he liked it a whole bunch so might use it somewhere! Keep checking for updates on his music.

catch up

No laptop means no blogging. Being summer so much has happened and I haven't had a place to document it all. For now I've pinched Emma's laptop and Anita & Molly's photos of my time in the US. Apparently the photo updater has changed so these photos are in no particular order.

The weirdest trash can I've ever seen.

Brand new Vans. From a brand new store on Harvard Ave called Orchid, they have a skate ramp in there and a gallery upstairs. You should definitely go, really nice guys.

Times Square. As beautiful as it looks in terms of colour it's the most stressful place. I can only spend limited amounts of time here.

Just before we headed out to see Taking Back Sunday! Such an amazing show with the original members!

6 Flags! Better than 1 Flag.

Probably the best Sushi I've ever had at this place! We asked the very nervous waiter to take our photo!

Statue of Liberty from the Statten Island Ferry. Obiously this is fisheye..we were much closer to it than this!

Never too old.

Our band photographer Erik.

One of my favourite T-shirts.

After a long day of thrifting you just have to get pizza. And if you're vegan like me then you can get a whole pizza to yourself with no cheese but mushrooms and eggplant for just $8!

Outside old City Hall in Boston - there were feet marks where I stood saying 'Stand Here' I'm guessing it's because it makes for awesome fisheye photos!

Yeah my hair is pretty bright.

Nantasket Beach, Hull, MA. Good day!

Being all kinds of metal \mm/

Our trip to JFK library and museum! Before we headed in we sat in the park & pier area eating our salad lunches! It was so hot this day!

Times Square in M&M World!

Our friend Nicole and her boyfriend Chris (who we stayed with in NY) had the cutest two kittens! Skittles and Lula. This is Lula...don't be mistaken...he's a boy!

Colourful breakfast! Fruit Loops.

At the end of the JKF library. The View that Kennedy loved - looking over to Boston Harbour.

Anita had blue Jell-O for breakfast!

Despite how it looks, it was super hot this day! Although the water was bitter!

The first week we took a walk to Harvard Square for some lunch at Veggie Planet and to check out some cool stores there. On our way we spotted this guy on the was hot but raining this day. Apparently some kids had already tried to push him in!

Stoked on life.

Ground Zero. It's weird - I thought I'd have this great sense of gloom come over me, but there's nothing around this area that suggests so much tragedy happened here. No flowers or notes pinned to the fencing. It just looks like a construction site. Apparently the memorial was meant to be opened July 2009, yet there is absolutely no signs of it even being started. Although just days after we left NY the Queen was there to open the plans for the memorial!

In possibly one of my favourite vegan restaurants n the entire world! Foodswings! If you're ever in NY and want to take a small trip to Brooklyn definitely go to Williamsburg and definitely spend sometime on Bedford St and EAT HERE! amazing food!

Siq rides.

Saw this beauty outside the F.R.I.E.N.D.S apartments! Adorable little place!

Beach Babes!

6 Flags! Batman Swings!

Band Promo. Check us out at http://www.superawesomemega!.com/

Gothem. This building is just outside Boston Public Library on Boylston St...I think it looks like something from Batman!

The birds on Boston Common were eating Preztel Rods out of our hands! There were hundreds of them. Pretty pigeons!

Boston Public Library

Flapjack (Ginger) and Starlight...parents to be.

Ah very picture heavy! I'm sure they'll be more updates! There are so many photos on my phone not to mention disposable cameras! Yeesh!