Thursday 27 May 2010

Feeling LOST?

Now that Lost has officially ended (personally I'm satisfied with the questionable ending, it was ever so typical of the mystifying directors. I guess I can see why people felt cheated) I have been wondering if there is going to be anything else worth watching? I'm not one for TV, besides the odd cooking show (even as a vegan it they fascinate me) but sometimes a good TV series can be a good thing. Even if they are highly embarrassing (One Tree Hill, The OC...) Whilst in Bristol yesterday I was informed of HBO releasing a new TV series...I must sBy, it looks pretty sweet.

'Broadwalk Empire'

Some of the names in association with it's making:

Terence Winter(Sopranos Writer)
Michael Williams (from The Wire)

Pretty rad.

South of No North

"We marched back and forth, young, full of piss, full of madness, oversexed, cuntless, on the edge of war. The less you believed in life, the less you had to lose." - Charles Bukowski
Currently reading this book. I love Bukowski's style of writing. That crazed old man really appeals and intrigues my mind. Now uni is done I'm planning on reading one book a week. I remain positive. I have until sunday for this one, it's a simple read I don't see why not.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

are you in?

WOW. Finishing uni has really allowed me to go and do some amazing things! Even in just a week!
For the first two weeks I helped my third year Catherine set up her final major exhibition! She is a super sweetie and has worked so hard, I think it truely shows in her exhibition too! I spent the time plastering, scraping, sandpapering and painting the walls to the most crisp white! We then had to try positioning the 6ft tall paintings at three different levels for the tutors to see she had tried all possible positions! On Thursday last week we finally finished and it looks amazing! When the exhibition opens I'll be sure to take a photo to blog.

For helping she bought me some vegan truffles! DELICIOUS!

This is a local company that make a selection of different flavoured truffles! amazing!

Friday I spent in university doing our seminars. Only 25-30 of us turned up out of a possible 60 students! Kudo's to us for next year I guess! The artists I chose were Basquait, Zurbaran and Chardin. Totally ran out of time debating about others ideas/presentations so I didn't get to do mine.

Now uni is all over for this year I feel completely lost. As though I'm purposely not going in!

The weekend has been super fun, and insanely hot! I don't think Wales has ever endured this kind of weather! It's amazing! After work I met up with the beautiful Helen for a wander around town and a drink at Buffalo! We later headed to a show with other friends. Grown Ups, Muscle Club and a couple of others who I missed. I then ran to Barfly to see the last but one Viatrophy show! Walking home at 1.30am with just a lacey top on is such a novelty!

HUGE blueberry!

Mini Acorn

Buck! One of the four horses next to AGP's house, he's still the smallest.

One of my favourite cats. Misty

My new bike ^_^



Last night I officially booked my tickets to the US! just two weeks to prepare!

Thursday 13 May 2010

B free

So I've finished my side of uni now, and I feel incredibly guilty for not doing anything...almost like I'm intentionally missing classes or lectures. From full on work to nothing is a huge shock to the system. However, I'm pretty stoked that I got a 2.1 for my final project! That's a 'b' for those who aren't aware of the 1st, 2.1, 2.2 system haha. I'm ecstatic about the result especially because I'm so aware of how to improve so over the summer and next year I'm working my ass off!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Whits fur ye’ll no gin by ye

apparently that is Scottish slang for 'What's meant for you will not pass you by'.

Finishing first year of university meant that I've barely been able to blog lately, especially about my current trip to Scotland. After the shock of finding out I was going a day earlier than expected I had minimal time to prepare, and it also meant I wasn't able to set up my exhibition. None the less, I was pretty stoked to be getting tattooed!

Arriving precisely on time at Edinburgh airport we headed out to West Linton to AGP's dads house! Even though I live in Wales, I've never seen so many mountains and much green.

We pretty much just chilled out, at some amazing food as cooked by Gregor Pennie watched DVDs and ended up in bed at 11.30pm. Party animals.

Day #2 We headed to Glasgow with Marian and Gregor to visit Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. This was the first section we went into...pretty rad if you ask my. Being greeted by a huge Indian Elephant and Giraffe!

Rad huh?

Fe Fi Fo Fum....I smell the blood of a Welshman.

Beetle collection

This was amazing! Looked like something from Harry Potter.


I love this. There was a organ recital at 1pm!

We spent at least 2hrs in the museum/gallery, looking at some of my favourite artists works. Rembrandt was overwhelming! Ruysch and others. I have some images to upload but they're poor quality. I really wouldn't want to misrepresent the paintings.

We found this little vegan cafe called 'The 78'. If you're vegan/vegetarian or just don't mind eating meat/egg/dairy free food and you're in Glasgow, eat here!

Vegan sausages, Pesto mash and butterbean and butternut squash gravy. AMAZING.

Vegan Brownie with bourbon syrup and icecream!

Chocolate muffin with almond icing and icecream!

So unbelieveably good!

I have Roller Derby practice so I'm going to have to finish posting later!


So before I headed to Scotland, I had a bit of an OCD moment and cleaned the entire house from top to bottom. Like you wouldn't believe. Whilst doing all the kitchen towels, pillow covers and random clothes that had been left about, I went to kitchen door thinking I could see a you can see...that's one very alive looking sock. Considering I live in a city, having a frog in the kitchen was pretty bizzare!

Sunday 9 May 2010